English Afternoon
7 ratings![]() |
Commercial Description
A fine selection of teas grown from the Assam region of India, blended with high grown Ceylon teas and lightly flavoured with bergamot. A delightful cup with balanced strength, colour and flavour. A pleasant surprise for the tea connoisseur.
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Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 7 reviews

Tchuggin' Okie (409 reviews) on Feb. 11th, 2016
I didn't see a place on here for their loose-leaf version of this tea, but in general my impressions are the same (if more favorably numbered) than Alex Zorach's below. No tea on Earth is too strong for me, but I'll at least call this one worthy of the adjective "strong". The value ranking is the only thing holding it back for me, since it cost overpriced tourist dinero.
My daughter brought 25g of Ahmad's English Afternoon back from London, looseleaf, in a small souvenir tin shaped (and painted) like a telephone booth. I wish she had brought more. This is a rich, full-bodied, deliciously potent EG when brewed a long time, as I prefer, until the tea is too dark to see through. It's definitely worthy of the British braggadocio assigned to a lot of their EG teas, but matched by few.

teataster (3 reviews) on Jul. 17th, 2015
Not super impressed with this earl grey. I drink black tea, and found the bergamot too bitter to drink. This was after a brew time of less than 3 minutes.

spaflam (180 reviews) on Jan. 28th, 2014
I am not a fan or Earl Grey - and I could not tell by the tea-bag packet (sachet) that this would have an orangey-citursy-bergamotlike twang to it. As a result, I like the other Ahmads I have tried better (English Breakfast).
Decent - but not a fave.

Amanda (338 reviews) on Aug. 17th, 2013
The aroma is pleasant and mild with a hint of Bergamot.
The flavor was slightly bitter and citrusy from the Bergamot and Ceylon, but other than that there is no real flavor. I was not overwhelmed with the flavor and a little disappointed.

Kelsey (142 reviews) on Jun. 6th, 2013
This tea wasn't terribly outstanding, but I did think it was really good. I'm still impressed with how reasonably priced Ahmad teas are, considering their quality!
The flavor was strong and bitter, the dried leaf smelled lightly of bergamot. It only became bitter as it sat.
I'd be interested in trying this out as an iced tea, since I've had good luck brewing iced teas with strong teas such as this in the past.

Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Mar. 26th, 2013
Surprisingly Strong. A robust black tea with a strong, malty base but lighter overtones as well. The flavoring is Earl-grey-like, a light bergamot scent, slightly lemony and perfumey as well. Aroma rather floral, suggestive of rose and Queen Anne's lace.
Bold flavor. Quite bitter and tannic, with an astringent finish that I actually found quite pleasant. I recommend brewing on the low end of the recommendations...Ahmad recommends 3-5 minutes but I found that at 3 minutes, it was almost too strong for me, especially given that I was expecting a slightly mellower tea.
Very good though. I would gladly drink again and I'd prefer this to any of the namesake Earl Greys on the market: the base teas are more evident and the flavoring does not overpower. And like all Ahmad's teas, the price is very reasonable: this tea offers exceptional value.

Sylvia (215 reviews) on Mar. 10th, 2013
This tea is pretty good. It has an interesting flavor. It's strong enough and not too bitter. I added cream and sugar.
Page 1 of 1 page with 7 reviews