Mango Green Tea Decaf
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Commercial Description
Mango Green Tea Decaf, is a sweet blend of decaffeinated green tea from the Korakundah estate in Nilgiri, India combined with mango pieces and calendula. With an intoxicating aroma, this fruity and flavorful green tea provides the perfect introduction to those new to green tea, or simply looking for a delicious, caffeine-free green tea blend.
This tea has not yet been given any ratings or reviews.
External Reviews
Our editorial team has selected the following reviews from other websites:
- Mighty Leaf’s Mango Green Decaf Review - My Steeped IdentiTEA
Jul. 23, 2009
A mixed review, noting that this tea was more bitter than expected, as well as quite tart, and describing it as having an aftertaste that was fruity and sweet but also astringent.