China Keemun First Grade

4 ratings
Picture of China Keemun First Grade
Brand:Upton Tea Imports
Product page:China Keemun First Grade

This tea's info last updated: Nov. 3, 2017

Commercial Description

This is the top grade (1110) of standard China Keemun, which include the 1154, 1143, 1132, and 1121 lower grades. Demand often exceeds supply for this grade of China's most famous black tea.

Brewing Instructions: (from Upton Tea Imports)

Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212º (boiling)
Steep Time: 3-5 min.

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic75 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
(152 reviews) on

This is a pretty mellow but still flavorful Chinese black tea. A little nutty and smoky, and offered at a good price. It has more than a little pipe tobacco flavor to it also. As Alex points out, the aroma is interesting and has some earthy, barnyard notes. I am not always in the mood for a keemun, but this is a good one.
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Reviewer pic87 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
(1448 reviews) on

If I've ever had a prototypical Keemun, this is it; it would make an excellent standard against which to compare other examples of this tea, although it also had a few ways in which it stood out.

The dry leaf is fine, and very pleasantly aromatic, hinting at notes of dried fruit and light wood smoke, and suggesting warmth. It's a comforting aroma.

Brews up a rich cup with a mellow flavor and a warming quality. Very soft up-front in the sip, with no initial bitterness. I find this tea is easy to drink quickly, without paying attention to it, but when I focus on each sip, there's a lot going on in it. The aroma of the brewed cup is lightly smoky, and earthy, with a hint of a sort "barnyard" smells, especially like old hay or straw. I actually found these more earthy qualities very pleasant.

I was able to brew two cups, using a very long steep for the second. The second cup was surprisingly different in character, being more cooling and refreshing. The flavor was bold, and the smokiness came out more in the aroma, yet the body was thinner and the tea tasted a lot less hearty.

As is usually the case with Upton, outstanding value! This tea was better than a lot of black teas in a higher price range. Compare with TeaVivre's Keemun Grade 1, which is actually much pricier...I think I may slightly prefer that tea, but this one is much cheaper and is very similar in style. I've had many other Keemuns that cost more than this that I enjoyed less. This would be an excellent everyday tea, especially for people who like hearty, warming black teas with a mellow flavor.
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Reviewer pic47 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
(4 reviews) on

Didn't care too much for this one. Check out our video review here:

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Reviewer pic83 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(2 reviews) on

My scores for this tea may run a little high because this is my favorite tea. I enjoy trying all types and grades of tea, but I always buy this tea with every order.

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