Earl Grey Filterbags
5 ratings![]() |
Commercial Description
Black tea kissed with bergamot's lavender essence.
RateTea Notes
Tazo experimented for some time with a "full-leaf" version of this tea in pyramid sachets; it has since been discontinued.
Ratings & Reviews
Page 1 of 1 page with 5 reviews

Tchuggin' Okie (414 reviews) on Dec. 11th, 2022
Another "conference tea" here...I had a couple bags there, and brought another home to steep in boiling well water. Water quality at the meeting was good, so my impressions were consistent in both places.
The best part of this tea was its dry-bag smell: potent, high-quality bergamot, but still not too much to overpower the aroma of tea. I wish the in-cup scent and flavor were that luscious! The in-cup aroma was somewhat offputting, with little bergamot and a distinct character of soggy, musty, harvested grain that has been left in storage too long. I haven't been drinking stale beer out of my tea cup either, so it wasn't the cup! With one outstanding aroma, and one rather poor one, the "aroma" rating overall fell into mid-ranges.
I sweeten my tea rather strongly, but a good deal of bitterness still came through. The brew darkens quickly and is very tannic also, perhaps due to the fine chopping of the leaves, but also the use of a natively dark and bitter tea. Sweetening makes it tolerable, but I can see how this tea would be uncomfortably bitter for some. The good news is that the flavor brings back much of the bergamot, and none of the moldy sensation I got from simply sniffing the liquid. The aftertaste has a bit of a cooling effect, best reflecting some astringency arising from the bergamot oil. Oddly, the wet-bag aroma didn't have mustiness either; it was rather bland, faintly tea-like and weakly bergamot-bearing.

Brytta Sóþword (336 reviews) on Jan. 6th, 2016
Not bad for bagged Earl Grey. I added half and half, which mixed well. The flavor was solid without being bitter. Others commented that it IS better, so maybe the half and half I added helped with that?

levers (13 reviews) on May. 5th, 2015
Among the Tazo varieties this one is just a mystery to me. So much as touch this to your water and you have a bitter steep. Maybe it's the fannings in there. I don't know, but this is a pretty astringent Earl Gray without a lot of complexity (dull and muted, in terms of flavor).
The best thing about this is the strong floral bergamot scent after brewing, but by the time I finish the tea I always regret those first few sips--it gets increasingly bitter, not more flavorful, as you drink.

Pancakes (23 reviews) on Feb. 18th, 2012
I typically do not care much for western styles of black tea, but this Earl Grey is pretty good. The bergamot may seem a bit overpowering, but actually it's a fairly balanced tea. It is probably an acquired taste, and is good for people who want a truly strong and dark black tea.
When I got this tea initially, I did not like it much, and basically abandoned it in my cupboard. Months later I saw that I still had it, tried it again, and was surprised that I enjoyed it. I would say this is definitely one of Tazo's better tea bag teas. Much better than "Awake."

Alex Zorach (1453 reviews) on Jul. 13th, 2011
An exceptionally strong Earl Grey, much stronger than any of Tazo's other teas. I recommend steeping a little less than one normally would: 1-2 minutes still yields a strong cup, and then you can get a second infusion.
Aroma is very rich: somewhat malty, moderate bergamot presence, and some lemony tones. Full-bodied.
Very, very bitter: without a doubt the most bitter of any mainstream commercial blend I have tried recently. I normally love bitterness in teas, but I think this one is bordering on too much for me. I imagine that many people would find this tea too much for them, but if you love strong Earl Grey teas and you are accustomed to very bitter drinks like strong black coffee, you might really like this one.
Page 1 of 1 page with 5 reviews
External Reviews
Our editorial team has selected the following reviews from other websites:
- Review of Tazo Earl Grey Bagged | The Earl Grey Addict
Jan. 13, 2013
The Earl Grey Addict, a blogger specializing in reviewing Earl Grey teas, reviews this tea, describing its flavor as "excellent", noting that it is unusually dark in color, and lamenting that he wishes it was organic certified. He also notes that it does not resteep well. - Earl Grey from Tazo Tea | Tea Review Blog
Aug. 27, 2010
The Tea Review Blog gives a surprisingly favorable review of this tea, noting surprise that it, a bagged tea, tasted comparable to some loose-leaf teas. The review notes both the strong flavor of the black tea base, and the strong bergamot scenting, and describes this tea as bold and flavorful.
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7 Ratings