Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas from India
Page 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 of 9 pages with 209 results

Korakundah Estate Organic Fair Trade from Upton Tea Imports
Style: Green Tea – Region: Nilgiri, India60 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
Dec. 3rd, 2009
Fascinating, unique. Brews clear green. The aroma is dark and warm, and is almost like a good soup, with subtle spices and cooked vegetables.
Following Upton's brewing instructions, the flavor is mellow, smooth, and warm in character, with almost no bitterness...but lacking the crispness I like in ...

Makaibari Estate Long Leaf Green (DJ-456) from Upton Tea Imports
Style: Darjeeling Green Tea – Region: Darjeeling, India97 / 100 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Nov. 21st, 2009
I was sad to see this tea removed from Upton's listings, as I enjoyed sampling it. [Update: it seems Upton has added a new lot, and I'm eager to try that one!]
Extremely flavorful and complex, with many different aspects of the aroma: dark, vegetal tones, rich grassy tones similar to a good dragonwell tea, and a hi...

Organic Darjeeling Black Pyramid Tea from Equal Exchange
Style: Darjeeling Black Tea – Region: Darjeeling, India80 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Oct. 31st, 2009
Aroma spicy, unusually vegetal for a tea this dark, and unusually malty for a Darjeeling. Very interesting and complex! Dark liquor and tastes more like other black teas than most Darjeelings; I would not describe it as "golden" or "light". Remarkably bold and full-bodied and yet with little bitterness or astringenc...
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Darjeeling from Two Leaves and a Bud
Style: Darjeeling Black Tea – Region: Darjeeling, India73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 4th, 2009
This used to be the best Darjeeling I've had in a tea bag...and better than some loose-leaf ones I've tried. I have since come to prefer Ahmad's Darjeeling though, which is much cheaper.
Fairly light, but still with some bite. This is the sort of Darjeeling tea that I like. The aroma has some interesting complexi...

Assam from Two Leaves and a Bud
Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India68 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 4th, 2009
Mellow, smooth, rich malty flavor. Deep red color; little bitterness or astringency. Very enjoyable. I find this tea grows on me. There is a suggestion of sweet fruit in the aroma, almost like baked apples.
Two leaves and a bud recommends a 4-minute infusion. I prefer a 2-minute infusion followed by a second 4-...

Mtn High Chai from Two Leaves and a Bud
Style: Chai / Spiced Tea – Region: Assam, India50 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 21st, 2009
Clove is dominant in the aroma, and cardamon is also present. Happily, this one does not overdo the cinnamon the way many American chai's do.
The tea is a mellow, smooth tea, and is overpowered by the spice, especially by the clove. I think they would have done better to use a stronger base tea.
Enjoyable, and ...

Tindharia Estate Oolong (DJ-54) from Upton Tea Imports
Style: Darjeeling Oolong – Region: Darjeeling, India43 / 100 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 1/5
Sep. 20th, 2009
The dry leaves have an aroma a lot more like a Darjeeling black or green tea, than like any Chinese or Taiwanese Oolongs.
The brewed tea was deep orange and very clear. Aroma is not particularly strong, mostly of asparagus. Tangy and a little bitter, but quite thin.
More bitter than Tindharia's Green Oolong, an...

Tindharia Estate First Flush Green Oolong (EX-10) from Upton Tea Imports
Style: Darjeeling Oolong – Region: Darjeeling, India37 / 100 Aroma: 2/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 1/5
Sep. 20th, 2009
The brewed tea is very clear, and brownish green color. The aroma is very weak, but it has a lot of flavor. It is only a bit bitter but seems highly caffeinated. The initial taste is tangy, almost pleasantly sour, and it leaves a tingly sensation on the tongue, and a moderate astringency in the aftertaste.
The ar...

Aged Earl Grey™ - Bergamot Black from Numi Organic Tea
Style: Earl Grey Tea – Region: Assam, India70 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 20th, 2009
This is my favorite Earl Grey that I've ever had from teabags. It has a very bold bergamot aroma, with a clean and refreshing quality. It is much smoother than most black teas: very little astringency, while still having a rich flavor.
A bit expensive for a teabag tea, but more reasonable considering the quality a...
Page 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 of 9 pages with 209 results