Kalami Assam Indian Tea

7 ratings
Picture of Kalami Assam Indian Tea
Brand:Ahmad Tea
Region:Assam, India
Product page:Kalami Assam Indian Tea - Buy on Amazon*

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This tea's info last updated: Nov. 20, 2022

Commercial Description

A premium blend of golden tippy long leaf Assam from the best gardens of the Brahmaputra Valley in northern India. Produces a tasteful cup with balanced color & flavor.

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Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic85 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(1 reviews) on

Ahmad Tea provides some of the best values in entry-level loose leaf tea out there.

Their Kalami Assam beautifully exemplifies all that we adore about Assam teas. The leaf aroma is malty, earthy, and slightly vegetal.

I used 1 tsp per cup infused for about 4 minutes. Brew is richly brown and copper in the cup. The aroma a flavors are malty and earthy with medium astringency. I find the tannin and astringency becomes too much after an extended brew time or using too many leaves.

Fine value for a great, no frills-Assam tea.
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Reviewer pic85 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(170 reviews) on

Based on the previous reviews, I bought a pound box of this tea. Most of what I could say was already said by Alex in their spot-on review. I find that I get the best cup of tea by allowing it to steep for ten minutes or so.

Even with such a long steep, the bitterness is understated for an Assam. Though the tea gets quite astringent, it's still less so than most "English Breakfast" style Assams. The fruitiness reminds me of Sri Lankan teas, but with the characteristically Assam molasses and barley malt instead of cocoa flavors found in a Ceylon. In fact, the bitter maltiness combined with the astringency reminds me of shoofly or molasses pie.

Even at the website's $15 per pound this tea can compete with the prices of cheaper, machine produced CTC Assams and I bought it for half that at a Middle Eastern grocery store. In terms of flavor, this tea competes with my favorite Chinese teas, but at one-eighth the price.
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Reviewer pic80 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
(134 reviews) on

Beautiful color. Good flavor. A solid Assam.
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Reviewer pic73 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
(142 reviews) on

I really liked this tea - for its price it is really a steal! I was suprised to find out that this tea is less expensive than Lipton, it definitely gives you more - I would definitely choose this as a staple basic tea to have around the house.

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Reviewer pic83 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(215 reviews) on

The aroma is a tad smoky. It has a crisp, strong flavor. I like it. I added cream and sugar.
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Reviewer pic83 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(1453 reviews) on

This is a regular favorite for me. I'm most likely to drink it in a cold morning, but I enjoy it at all times of year.

This tea offers extraordinary quality for its price! I bought a pound of it for $6.15 at a middle-eastern grocery store. It is large pieces of broken leaves.

Dry leaf has a rich and complex aroma: malty, spicy, herbaceous, and floral. Has a strong warming quality.

Ahmad recommends a very long steeping time, 8 minutes, and after considerable experimentation, I find I agree with them. This tea is very slow to infuse and loses much of its complexity if only brewed for 3-4 minutes.

Brewed for 8 minutes, aroma is very complex: there is some of the typical Assam maltiness, but many other qualities as well. A hint of rice, suggestive of high-grown Ceylons, and suggestions of dried fruit, reminiscent of a Keemun.

Flavor is also complex: significantly sweet, but also significantly bitter, somewhat sour, and savory as well. Fairly astringent on the palate. Very full-bodied.

If brewed for only 3-4 minutes, this tea is considerably lighter in body and less astringent, and the aroma is much less complex, but it is still enjoyable.

If you paid more, you could probably get a smoother tea, with similar qualities and much less astringency. But this tea is delightful to drink. If you want a budget tea that is top-notch for its price, this one is the way to go.
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Reviewer pic87 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(50 reviews) on

I highly recommend Ahmad teas. This is delicious.
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