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Bigelow Tea

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Last Updated: Aug. 13, 2018

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About Bigelow Tea

Bigelow Tea is an American tea company based in Fairfield, CT. Bigelow tea is widely distributed in supermarkets in the U.S. The company is best known for teabag teas, especially flavored and scented teas, although a few of its teas are also available loose. Bigelow has a large number of registered trademarks for its named blends of flavored tea; one of the best-known and oldest such blends is Constant Comment®, a black tea flavored with orange and spice. In addition to its website, Bigelow also runs the Bigelow tea blog, featuring news relating to the company.

Bigelow also owns one of the few tea plantations in the continental United States, located in Charleston, SC. The plantation had been closed, but was reopened by Bigelow in 2006. Tea from this operation is sold as American Classic Tea.

Bigelow also owns Novus tea, which it sells on its website.

Employees of Bigelow's production facilities in Boise and Louisville have undertaken a number of projects to promote sustainability, including composting, moving more towards recyclable materials, and reducing energy usage. Bigelow has a section of their website dedicated to their efforts to promote sustainability.

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Tchuggin' Okie
(413 reviews)
87 / 100
Picture of Spiced Apple Cider Herbal Tea

Spiced Apple Cider Herbal Tea

Style: Herbal Tea – Region: Blend
Nov. 16th, 2023

While I had some of this tea at work, steeping in an open steel Thermos, my co-worker smelled it across a fairly large room, and asked me if I were drinking spiced apple cider. My response: "Yeah: a herbal tea by that exact name." I guess that tells you how closely this mimics real cider; if not, I'll vouch for it ...

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77 / 100
Picture of Cinnamon Stick® Black Tea

Cinnamon Stick® Black Tea

Style: Chai / Spiced Tea – Region: Blend
May. 27th, 2023

Somehow, this Bigelow offering escaped me for many years, but it finally emerged from hiding and surrendered to my tea-greedy clutches at a Denver-area hotel—and only then, because striking a huge deer at full speed east of town totaled my vehicle. After that ordeal, and stuck at the hotel amid 30 hours of cold rain...

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63 / 100
Picture of Toasted Coconut Almond Bark Black Tea

For a few years, Tazo and Bigelow, in particular, have gone on a bender of producing explicitly dessert-flavored blends, which doesn't bother me, even as it might annoy some tea purists. Hey, who doesn't like some yummy sweet treats after a good dinner? However, Bigelow may have overplayed its hand here and missed th...

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(170 reviews)
47 / 100
Picture of Steep by Bigelow Organic Dandelion & Peach Rooibos & Green

The ingredients list rooibos first, so it can't be more than half green tea. The dry tea bag smells exactly like freeze-dried peaches and so does the tea while steeping.

The tea tastes like peach with a hint of earthiness from the rooibos and possibly the dandelion. If I concentrate, I can make out a bit of green te...

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Tchuggin' Okie
(413 reviews)
61 / 100
Picture of Plantation Mint® Black Tea

Plantation Mint® Black Tea

Style: Black Tea with Mint – Region: ?????
Sep. 22nd, 2021

RateTea has been good for my life, by motivating me to variegate my tea sampling, and opening up new flavor and olfactory worlds. How's that for advertorial testimony? :-) That, however, has included getting me to sample nasty to mediocre teas, as well as some very good ones I otherwise wouldn't have had. This clas...

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1Reviewer icon Tchuggin' Okie3544
2Reviewer icon Difflugia3240
3Reviewer icon Alex Zorach2329
4Reviewer icon spaflam1823
5Reviewer icon Mariko1316

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Most-Rated Teas

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Earl Grey

Style:Earl Grey Tea
22 Ratings
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Green Tea - Classic

Style:Green Tea
13 Ratings
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Constant Comment®

Style:Flavored Black Tea
12 Ratings
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English Teatime

Style:Black Tea
11 Ratings
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Orange & Spice Herbal Tea

Style:Fruit (Herbal) Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
11 Ratings

Top-Rated Teas

Picture of Earl Grey Decaffeinated Black Tea

Earl Grey Decaffeinated Black Tea

Style:Earl Grey Tea
3 Ratings
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Green Tea with Peach

Style:Fruit Green Tea
4 Ratings
Picture of Pomegranate Pizzazz® Herbal Tea

Pomegranate Pizzazz® Herbal Tea

Style:Fruit (Herbal) Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
5 Ratings
Picture of Green Tea Decaffenated (Classic)

Green Tea Decaffenated (Classic)

Style:Green Tea
3 Ratings
Picture of Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea

Cranberry Apple Herbal Tea

Style:Herbal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
4 Ratings

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