Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas from United States of America
Page 1 of 1 page with 11 results

Peppermint (Sachets) from Harney and Sons
Style: Peppermint Tea – Region: Oregon, United States63 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 2/5
Dec. 20th, 2015
Served in the Barnes & Noble Cafe in Newark, DE.
I am more partial to spearmint than peppermint, but I do enjoy peppermint from time to time. I picked this one mainly because it was one of the only two caffeine-free herbal options in the cafe, and I had already tried the other one.
This is a very good peppermint ...

American Classic Tea from Charleston Tea Plantation (American Classic Tea)
Style: Black Tea – Region: South Carolina, United States83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Jan. 24th, 2015
I was surprised at how different this tasted from the Charleston Breakfast blend. I like this one better, and ironically, I think it tastes more like a strong English breakfast tea, whereas the other blend tastes more like a plain, medium-bodied black tea.
The tea bag itself, which is a pyramid sachet filled with l...

Charleston Breakfast Loose Tea from Charleston Tea Plantation (American Classic Tea)
Style: Black Tea – Region: South Carolina, United States77 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Jul. 21st, 2014
A light-bodied, smooth-flavored tea which was pleasant to drink.
Thank you to Nikki and Korbett for bringing this one to me from Charleston! I expected this to be more of a novelty, but it was surprisingly good quality!
Dry leaf is coarse and looks mechanically processed, but with bigger, more intact leaf pieces ...

Pacific Peppermint from Octavia Tea
Style: Peppermint Tea – Region: United States of America60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
May. 15th, 2014
Served at Velvet Sky Bakery in Jenkintown, my favorite place to sample Octavia's teas.
I love mint, but I tend to strongly prefer herbal teas brewed from other varieties of mint, like spearmint or apple mint, rather than peppermint.
Brews a dark amber with a tinge of greenish.
Very potent aroma, but somehow wi...

Holy Basil, Rama (Tulsi) from Mountain Rose Herbs
Style: Tulsi / Holy Basil – Region: United States of America90 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Feb. 7th, 2014
A truly artisanal example of this herb. Tastes the closest to the fresh-harvested, home-grown example of this herb than any other one I have bought through a company. Astonishing complexity for Rama Tulsi.
I tried this some time ago, and I think it may not have been terribly fresh; this was a fresh batch which a f...

Light, Loose-leaf from Cat Spring Yaupon Tea
Style: Yaupon – Region: Texas, United States70 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 1st, 2013
I love the smell of the dry leaf of this has a potent and very pleasant aroma, similar to Yerba mate and Guayusa but unique. I find it much more pleasing!
Upon brewing, I don't like the taste quite as much. It tastes peppery, and the yerba-mate-like sweetness is more of a background flavor. The aroma i...

Wadmalaw Island Green Tea from Charleston Tea Plantation (American Classic Tea)
Style: Green Tea – Region: South Carolina, United States60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Aug. 30th, 2013
Wow, the first tea I ever sampled that was grown on U.S. soil! This was quite remarkable, as a curiosity. As a tea though, it was less still seems that the main appeal of this tea is its novelty value.
Dark-colored leaf turns lighter upon brewing, and brews a rich, golden-colored up. Mellow and s...

Dark, Loose-leaf from Cat Spring Yaupon Tea
Style: Yaupon – Region: Texas, United States80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
Aug. 22nd, 2013
I finally got to try Yaupon, and this was the first one I tried! I was excited! I liked it, and I thought this batch was on par with some of the better examples of mate, and the only batch of guayusa that I've tried (the closest thing I have to compare it to).
Aroma of the dry leaf and brewed cup is vaguely remini...

Bulk Lemon Balm, Cut & Sifted, Organic from Frontier
Style: Lemon Balm – Region: United States of America70 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
May. 25th, 2013
I'm used to drinking iced herbal tea brewed from fresh lemon balm, or from my own dried batches of the herb, which I dry in whole-leaf form. This herb was pretty finely broken, and had a pretty different flavor and aroma.
The aroma is only very mildly lemony, much less so than my own batches of the herb, but it's v...

Lemon Verbena from ANC Educational Farm
Style: Lemon Verbena – Region: Pennsylvania, United States100 / 100 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Aug. 11th, 2011
Wow. And I thought I'd tried lemon verbena before. This is the first herbal tea that I've given a perfect rating, and only my second perfect rating.
This whole-leaf lemon verbena from the ANC Farm is better than anything I've tried fresh or dried. This is to lemon verbena what a high grade Jade Oolong or Tie Guan...

Passionfruit Orange from Hawaiian Natural Tea
Style: Miscellaneous Blend – Region: Hawaii, United States33 / 100 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 2/5
Mar. 10th, 2011
I received this teabag from a trade with a friend. I wasn't expecting that much, and honestly, it didn't deliver that much.
The one thing that this tea has going for it is that the flavoring is not overdone: it's subtle, particularly the orange--I almost notice the passionfruit flavoring a bit more.
The base tea...
Page 1 of 1 page with 11 results