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Alex Zorach

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Member since Sep. 1st, 2009. Reviewed 1453 teas.

Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas from Assam, India

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Picture of Assam TGFOP Black Tea

Assam TGFOP Black Tea from Arbor Teas

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

91 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Jan. 4th, 2013

This is my favorite Assam I've tried yet, excepting a few wholesale-only samples.

Aroma is very complex, suggestive of bread, dried fruit (raisins?), sweet rice, and a hint of wintergreen. There's a lot going on in the aroma; I found myself sipping it slowly and enjoying the different tones that developed.

Very ...

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Picture of Imperial Assam (Tea Bags)

Imperial Assam (Tea Bags) from Hampstead Tea

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

47 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Nov. 15th, 2012

Brews a very dark color, but flavor is surprisingly light (although still stronger than most light-colored teas). Tastes a lot more like high-grown Ceylon tea than like most Assam.

Aroma suggestive of spices and sweet rice, with quite a strong wood presence (like oak and cedar, unlike most teas). Peppery and punge...

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Picture of Assam Tea

Assam Tea from Frontier

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

70 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Jun. 23rd, 2012

A classic Assam: no particularly outstanding qualities, yet a solid tea and pleasing to drink, especially for people who like strong, dark teas.

Strong, malty, with some fruity qualities. Some astringency and bitterness but less than a typical Assam. In spite of being orthodox tea of a decent grade, the leaf infus...

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Picture of Kalami Assam Indian Tea

Kalami Assam Indian Tea from Ahmad Tea

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

83 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Oct. 20th, 2011

This is a regular favorite for me. I'm most likely to drink it in a cold morning, but I enjoy it at all times of year.

This tea offers extraordinary quality for its price! I bought a pound of it for $6.15 at a middle-eastern grocery store. It is large pieces of broken leaves.

Dry leaf has a rich and complex ar...

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Picture of Assam Irish Breakfast

Assam Irish Breakfast from Ronnefeldt

Style: Irish Breakfast – Region: Assam, India

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 5th, 2011

This was a solid Assam or Irish Breakfast from a tea bag, with a fairly complex aroma, definitely one of the best strong black teas I've had from such a simple tea bag of broken-leaf tea.

Sharp, edgy, piercing, yet full-bodied and having depth. Aroma has tones of malt, dried fruit, rice, and red wine. Very fresh t...

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Picture of Daisajan Estate GBOP(S)

Daisajan Estate GBOP(S) from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Tinsukia, Assam, India

43 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Aug. 14th, 2011

The dry leaf had an appealing smell, but this tea failed to impress me.

Flavor is rather savory, quite sour, and barely bitter at all. I prefer bitter to sour flavors in my tea. Aroma is muddled: slightly smoky, slightly malty, slightly herbaceous. Slightly peppery like some Yunnan teas and with some vegetal qual...

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Picture of Koilamari Estate GFBOP

Koilamari Estate GFBOP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Lakhimpur, Assam, India

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Jun. 29th, 2011

The dry leaf has a very strong, sweet, and deep fruity aroma, like candied fruit.

When I brewed the cup, for only 3 minutes, the initial aroma was among the most powerful of any Assam I have tried. This tea is strong, with an edge and a good amount of bitterness, but it is also somewhat light. Tastes more high-gro...

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Picture of Sessa 'B' Estate STGFOP1(S)

Sessa 'B' Estate STGFOP1(S) from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Dibrugarh, Assam, India

53 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
Jun. 14th, 2011

This is a whole-leaf tea but I was less impressed with it relative to other broken-leaf teas I have tried lately.

Brewed as instructed, this is a strong Assam with a classic flavor profile, malty, tannic, slightly savory. I find Upton's description made me expect a smoother tea than this is.

Some Assams have the...

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Picture of Harmutty Estate STGFOP1S

Harmutty Estate STGFOP1S from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Lakhimpur, Assam, India

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
May. 15th, 2011

A very strong Assam, stronger than Upton's description makes it sound. Very full flavor: fairly bitter, slightly sour, very savory, and even slightly salty. Aroma is spicy, suggesting allspice and black pepper. Also a bit smoky, with some fruity tones as well. Peppery finish.

Interesting, but a bit too strong fo...

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Picture of Dejoo Estate TGFOP(S)

Dejoo Estate TGFOP(S) from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Lakhimpur, Assam, India

67 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Apr. 15th, 2011

Dry leaf's aroma is more suggestive of a Keemun than an Assam. Brewing, I find this tea fits Upton's description very closely:

It's deep and malty, a faint hint of fruitiness (less than the dry leaf suggests), dark, but very smooth, and with some fresh herbaceous tones. Strong but without being overly bitter. Som...

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Picture of Golden Chai™ - Spiced Assam Black Tea

Golden Chai™ - Spiced Assam Black Tea from Numi Organic Tea

Style: Chai / Spiced Tea – Region: Assam, India

57 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 18th, 2010

Surprisingly weak given that this contains Assam black tea as the main ingredient. I brewed this in a small 6 oz. cup, for 3 minutes, with boiling water, and it still came out fairly weak (and a golden color, not a rich brown color like most black teas). My impression is either that less tea was used, or that a gentl...

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Picture of Assam Gold Rain Black Tea

Assam Gold Rain Black Tea from Teavana

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

67 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
May. 2nd, 2010

The dry leaf is by far the fruitiest-smelling Assam that I have yet encountered...but upon brewing it's a little less fruity. This is a very strong tea...when brewed it's maltier than fruity, and has a fairly tannic aftertaste like Teavana describes. Bitter and somewhat astringent...I've had much smoother Assams.


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Picture of Tippy Assam

Tippy Assam from Williamson Tea

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 2/5
Jan. 4th, 2010

A bold and powerful tea but with some complexity. Fine broken leaf. Infuses quickly...I recommend one and a half minutes, and using less than a teaspoon of leaves. However, if you enjoy a stronger cup, this tea does not get as astringent as you might expect if you brew it longer.

Aroma malty, slightly more vegeta...

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Picture of Assam

Assam from Two Leaves and a Bud

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

68 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Oct. 4th, 2009

Mellow, smooth, rich malty flavor. Deep red color; little bitterness or astringency. Very enjoyable. I find this tea grows on me. There is a suggestion of sweet fruit in the aroma, almost like baked apples.

Two leaves and a bud recommends a 4-minute infusion. I prefer a 2-minute infusion followed by a second 4-...

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Picture of Mtn High Chai

Mtn High Chai from Two Leaves and a Bud

Style: Chai / Spiced Tea – Region: Assam, India

50 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

Clove is dominant in the aroma, and cardamon is also present. Happily, this one does not overdo the cinnamon the way many American chai's do.

The tea is a mellow, smooth tea, and is overpowered by the spice, especially by the clove. I think they would have done better to use a stronger base tea.

Enjoyable, and ...

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Picture of Aged Earl Grey™ - Bergamot Black

Aged Earl Grey™ - Bergamot Black from Numi Organic Tea

Style: Earl Grey Tea – Region: Assam, India

70 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 20th, 2009

This is my favorite Earl Grey that I've ever had from teabags. It has a very bold bergamot aroma, with a clean and refreshing quality. It is much smoother than most black teas: very little astringency, while still having a rich flavor.

A bit expensive for a teabag tea, but more reasonable considering the quality a...

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