Reviews of Teas & Herbal Teas

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Alex Zorach

(1448 reviews)
Picture of Tension Tamer

Tension Tamer from Celestial Seasonings

Style: Herbal Tea – Region: ?????

73 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 27th, 2009

I drink this tea a lot when I get sick because it makes me feel better. The flavor is a bit of an acquired taste but I have grown quite fond of it. The ginseng is dominant in the aroma and imparts a bitterness and an earthy quality which blends well with the ginger. The peppermint and lemon lightens this one somewha...

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Picture of Peach Mango White Tea (White Tea with Island Mango and Peach)

Peach Mango White Tea (White Tea with Island Mango and Peach) from Lipton Tea

Style: Miscellaneous Blend – Region: ?????

40 / 100 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 27th, 2009

Very fruity aroma; something about the aroma seemed a bit overdone and somewhat unnatural. Overall though, it was not bad. The fruit dominates the aroma, however...I had little sense of what kind of white and green tea was used as a base--it was weak and not very present. The flavor is smooth but on the weak side. ...

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Picture of Ginger Peach Green Tea

Ginger Peach Green Tea from Stash Tea

Style: Flavored Green Tea – Region: ?????

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 27th, 2009

Initial aroma is mostly of peach if you brew this tea briefly, but as you brew it longer the ginger comes out much more strongly; the ginger aroma stays in the cup. Smooth, fresh tasting...the ginger is very noticeable, especially if you brew it for a long time. I enjoyed this one very much; it has a very different c...

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Picture of Fusion Green & White Tea

Fusion Green & White Tea from Stash Tea

Style: Green and White Blend – Region: ?????

70 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 27th, 2009

Complex aroma; has a floral fragrance, suggestive of Jasmine. Crisp, clean, and light, but surprisingly flavorful. Remarkably easy to brew; better with slightly lower temperature water, but does not scald as easily as other green or white teas. Outstanding for a teabag tea!

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Picture of Premium Black Tea - Pure Mint

Premium Black Tea - Pure Mint from Twinings

Style: Black Tea with Mint – Region: Blend

43 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 27th, 2009

Strong peppermint aroma, dominating the other aromas; only a weak aroma of black tea and spearmint. An unpleasant sourness. Definitely not among my favorite black tea / mint blends.

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(3 reviews)
Picture of Premium Green Tea

Premium Green Tea from Stash Tea

Style: Green Tea – Region: Brazil

30 / 100 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 1/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 26th, 2009

Don't like. It's really bitter tasting - I recommend Stash Tea's Fusion Green and White for something smoother yet still rich in antioxidants.

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Picture of Chamomile Herbal Tea

Chamomile Herbal Tea from Stash Tea

Style: Pure Chamomile Tea – Region: Egypt

93 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 26th, 2009

Yum. I've gotten into the habit of having chamomile tea late at night to relax, and love the flavor, the aroma, everything!

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Picture of Zen Filterbags

Zen Filterbags from Tazo Tea

Style: Flavored Green Tea – Region: ?????

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 26th, 2009

I just tried this tea and really loved the subtle lemon flavor, and I found it more smooth than bitter for a green tea.

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Alex Zorach

(1448 reviews)
Picture of Organic Hojicha

Organic Hojicha from Mighty Leaf Tea

Style: Hojicha – Region: Japan

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 26th, 2009

This is without a doubt my favorite tea from mighty leaf and one of my favorite hojicha's that I've tried--definitely my favorite that's available bagged.

The aroma is rich and roasty and has some nuances. There's a bit more bitterness than some hojicha's, which I like, but there is little astringency or sourness; ...

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(34 reviews)
Picture of Lapsang Souchong

Lapsang Souchong from Twinings

Style: Lapsang Souchong – Region: ?????

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Sep. 25th, 2009

Not a bad lapsang, but I've had better and more flavorful.

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Alex Zorach

(1448 reviews)
Picture of Chamomile Medley

Chamomile Medley from Rishi Tea

Style: Chamomile Blend – Region: Blend

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 23rd, 2009

This blend is predominately chamomile with only a hint of other herbs, and it is absolutely exquisite!

The aroma is mostly of light, fruity chamomile. A hint of mint comes out in the aftertaste; the muted bitter aftertaste that characterizes some chamomile teas is completely its place is a honey-like sw...

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Jenna T. Drinker

(33 reviews)
Picture of Pouchong Tea

Pouchong Tea from Ten Ren Tea

Style: Pouchong Tea – Region: ?????

53 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 23rd, 2009

To be fair I'm just not that into Pouchong tea... the melon-esque taste just doesn't do it for me. (I tend to refer to it as The Lamer Chinese Restaurant Tea in comparison to Pu-Erh.)
I found that TenRen's version leans to the slightly bitter side as well. Overall just an OK tea... it's nice, but not exciting.

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Picture of Zen Filterbags

Zen Filterbags from Tazo Tea

Style: Flavored Green Tea – Region: ?????

57 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 23rd, 2009

The first time I had this tea I absolutely loved it. It's a great minty yet subtle fruity mix that smelled fantastic and tasted pretty good.
Yet, over the years this tea hasn't really held up for me... it's pretty expensive for one, it's tough to brew it without it going bitter, and I just eventually grew tired of th...

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Picture of Pu-Erh Whole Leaf

Pu-Erh Whole Leaf from Ten Ren Tea

Style: Pu-erh Tea – Region: ?????

83 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Sep. 23rd, 2009

I really adore Pu-Erh tea and this is one of the most fantastic brands I've found in teabag form. It has a dark, rich colour and a smooth flavor- never gets bitter, effective but not overdone caffeine. Cheap enough to keep coming back to. Overall a solid choice.

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Alex Zorach

(1448 reviews)
Picture of Ti Kuan Yin

Ti Kuan Yin from Ten Ren Tea

Style: Tie Guan Yin – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

73 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 23rd, 2009

Very rich and full-bodied, and more bitter than Ten Ren's Tung Ting and Ten Wu oolongs, but still not very bitter. Pleasant aroma, both earthy and fresh...cleaner tasting than other dark oolongs I've had in teabags. I tend to prefer lighter Ti Kuan Yin teas...but I enjoy this one a lot, especially given that it is in...

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(34 reviews)
Picture of Bengal Spice Herbal Tea

Bengal Spice Herbal Tea from Celestial Seasonings

Style: Herbal Tea – Region: ?????

87 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 22nd, 2009

A great cheap option for a non-caffeinated chai. Very strong flavor, especially if you let it brew. Nice to drink after dinner.

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Jenna T. Drinker

(33 reviews)
Picture of Vanilla Caramel Black Tea

Vanilla Caramel Black Tea from Bigelow Tea

Style: Flavored Black Tea – Region: ?????

47 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 22nd, 2009

This tea sounded so fantastic to me I just had to try it, and predictably it was a bit of a let down. (To be fair- I might have been expecting it to taste more like vanilla caramel coffee...)
It smells and sounds fantastic, but the taste is lack luster and forgettable. There are much better flavored teas out there to...

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Picture of British Blend - Premium Black Tea

British Blend - Premium Black Tea from Tetley Tea

Style: Black Tea – Region: Blend

80 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 22nd, 2009

Tetley is one of the best basic black teas out there. Unlike American brands of black teas, it never gets bitter and is enjoyable with or without milk. The caffeine is also strong enough to replace coffee, but unlike coffee it doesn't hype you up for a crash (well maybe if you drink enough cups).
While it may not be ...

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Alex Zorach

(1448 reviews)
Picture of Oolong Se Chung

Oolong Se Chung from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Se Chung Oolong – Region: China

93 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

This is my favorite offering from Upton Tea. The whole, light green leaves are tightly curled and become dark green and unfurl a great deal upon brewing.

The brewed tea is light golden green like many greener oolongs. The complex aroma has some of the cripser herbal qualities of green teas, and some sharper tones,...

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Picture of Ten Wu Fine Oolong

Ten Wu Fine Oolong from Ten Ren Tea

Style: Oolong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

80 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

Without a doubt, this is the best tea in a basic teabag that I've ever tried. (Tradition's whole-leaf oolong in a sachet strikes me as better, but I think that's in a different category of teas.)

The aroma is fresh, complex, and difficult to describe. The cup is exceedingly rich and also very smooth, with a hint o...

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Picture of Wuyi Oolong

Wuyi Oolong from Rishi Tea

Style: Oolong Tea – Region: Wuyi, Fujian, China

80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

Darker among oolongs, but very mellow. The aroma is very warm, rich, and complex, with some roast, a hint of smokiness, and some tones of grain. It actually smells a bit like marijuana, and a bit like a fresh autumn day. I rather like the aroma and I can say I am constantly discovering new facets of it.

This tea ...

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Picture of Chun Mee Dao Ming

Chun Mee Dao Ming from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Chun Mee – Region: China

88 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

I was really sad to see this one go; it was my favorite example of a chun mee. Although Upton's Chun Mee moon palace was close, I preferred this one.

This is an outstanding green tea at a very reasonable price, and it's organic to boot! It is unusually strong, bitter, and complex for a chun mee tea, and my favorit...

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Picture of Rose Green Tea Organic

Rose Green Tea Organic from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Rose Green Tea – Region: China

93 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

Whereas people often think of roses as delicate and gentle, this is a very bold tea. The aroma is fruity, dark, and rich, and less floral than one would expect. The flavor is sharp and tangy, much more bitter than the fruity aroma might suggest. This is an outstanding tea, and is available at a very reasonable price...

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Picture of Mtn High Chai

Mtn High Chai from Two Leaves and a Bud

Style: Chai / Spiced Tea – Region: Assam, India

50 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Sep. 21st, 2009

Clove is dominant in the aroma, and cardamon is also present. Happily, this one does not overdo the cinnamon the way many American chai's do.

The tea is a mellow, smooth tea, and is overpowered by the spice, especially by the clove. I think they would have done better to use a stronger base tea.

Enjoyable, and ...

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Picture of Tindharia Estate Oolong (DJ-54)

Tindharia Estate Oolong (DJ-54) from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Darjeeling Oolong – Region: Darjeeling, India

43 / 100 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 1/5
Sep. 20th, 2009

The dry leaves have an aroma a lot more like a Darjeeling black or green tea, than like any Chinese or Taiwanese Oolongs.

The brewed tea was deep orange and very clear. Aroma is not particularly strong, mostly of asparagus. Tangy and a little bitter, but quite thin.

More bitter than Tindharia's Green Oolong, an...

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