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Alex Zorach

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Member since Sep. 1st, 2009. Reviewed 1452 teas.

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Picture of Bond Street English Breakfast Blend

Bond Street English Breakfast Blend from Upton Tea Imports

Style: English Breakfast – Region: Blend

53 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Mar. 31st, 2015

A classic, prototypical English Breakfast tea of average quality. Goes well with milk and probably better suited to people who (unlike me) drink their tea with milk.

A CTC (broken, mechanically-processed) tea; the dry leaf isn't terribly aromatic, but has a pleasant slightly malty aroma.

Produces a very dark cup...

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Picture of Golden Monkey

Golden Monkey from The Meaning of Tea

Style: Golden Monkey – Region: Yunnan, China

37 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 1/5
Mar. 23rd, 2015

This was the worst example of Golden Monkey that I've tried, and the worst example of any golden Chinese black tea. I thought it quite awful and I poured it out without drinking much of it.

The dry leaf is beautiful, and has a very intense aroma of cooked fruit, like raspberry jam. The leaf has a slight dusty qual...

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Picture of Serene GABA Tea

Serene GABA Tea from Health & Tea

Style: GABA Oolong – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

47 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Mar. 23rd, 2015

Odd, just odd, and I didn't enjoy it very much. My first experience with GABA tea.

The dry leaf of this tea looks brown, like a moderately roasted oolong, and has a faint nutty aroma with hints of gingerbread cookie dough.

Upon brewing, the main thing I notice is the lack of obvious oolong aroma. The aroma is v...

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Picture of China Keemun First Grade

China Keemun First Grade from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Keemun – Region: China

87 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Mar. 22nd, 2015

If I've ever had a prototypical Keemun, this is it; it would make an excellent standard against which to compare other examples of this tea, although it also had a few ways in which it stood out.

The dry leaf is fine, and very pleasantly aromatic, hinting at notes of dried fruit and light wood smoke, and suggesting ...

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Picture of Baker Street Afternoon Blend

Baker Street Afternoon Blend from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Russian Caravan – Region: Blend

53 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Mar. 19th, 2015

The dry leaf of this just smells like Lapsang Souchong. It also has an ununusual, hetereogeneous shape. One tea, presumably the souchong, has very long, wiry leaves, whereas the others are much shorter. This makes me wonder if the leaves would separate if stored in a large container and shaken around enough.


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Picture of Tippy Orthodox GBOP Assam

Tippy Orthodox GBOP Assam from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Assam – Region: Assam, India

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 19th, 2015

I had the opportunity to try some top-notch Assams lately, top grades of single estate teas, and this was a much lower grade, broken leaf, and blended, but it was surprisingly good for what it is.

The brewed cup isn't quite as malty as I usually expect for an Assam. It has some pleasant fruity notes in the aroma, a...

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Picture of Garden Green Tea

Garden Green Tea from Health & Tea

Style: Green Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 18th, 2015

A very different green tea that was mellow and pleasing to drink, yet had some unusual aromatic notes.

The dry leaf is tightly rolled and looks a lot like an oolong to me. Just looking at the leaf, I'd have a hard time telling this apart from a modern green oolong, but it does smell more like a green tea.


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Picture of Darjeeling

Darjeeling from Ridgways

Style: Darjeeling Black Tea – Region: Darjeeling, India

57 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 3/5
Mar. 13th, 2015

An edgy Darjeeling that was enjoyable, but not the best quality, even for a tea bag.

Brews a beautiful, golden-amber cup that is very clear. Medium- to light-bodied, but with a bold flavor. The aroma is fruity, but more lemony and less like the typical muscatel grape quality I associate with Darjeeling. There's a...

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Picture of Avaata Supreme Nilgiri Green Tea First Flush (Organic)

Avaata Supreme Nilgiri Green Tea First Flush (Organic) from Golden Tips

Style: Green Tea – Region: Nilgiri, India

93 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Mar. 11th, 2015

This is one of the best green teas I've tried to come out of India, or anywhere outside China and Japan for that matter. It also tasted the most like a top-notch Chinese green tea, of any tea I've tried yet from India.

The dry leaf of this tea is very loosely packed, consisting of whole, intact leaves which are lar...

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Picture of Organic Black Tea

Organic Black Tea from Equal Exchange

Style: Black Tea – Region: Blend

63 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 9th, 2015

Quite good for a flat tea bag.

Brews up a very dark, opaque liquor. Malty aroma, a lot like an Assam or Irish Breakfast blend. Bold flavor, moderate astringency but still smoother than average for a tea bag of this strength.

I only steeped once, just under 3 minutes, and it produced good results. The tea was s...

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Picture of Premium Pu-erh Tea - Black

Premium Pu-erh Tea - Black from My Zen Tea

Style: Ripened (Shou) Pu-erh – Region: Yunnan, China

57 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 2/5
Mar. 9th, 2015

I tend not to be a fan of Shu Pu-erh at all, and my expectations for a tea bag were pretty low, but I was happy to say this greatly exceeding my expectations.

Brews up a very dark liquor, almost jet black, with a smooth mouthfeel, mild flavor, and mellow aroma. The aroma reminds me a little bit of clean, wet stone ...

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Picture of Bao Zhong Oolong Tea

Bao Zhong Oolong Tea from Rishi Tea

Style: Pouchong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

90 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 5th, 2015

I thought this tea was exquisite, probably my favorite Bao Zhong ever sampled, and among my favorite greener oolongs.

The dry leaf is quite fragrant, with a pleasant floral and vegetal aroma, and a hint of roast.

Upon brewing, the tea takes on a greener character than suggested by the smell of the dry leaf, and t...

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Picture of Caravan Triad

Caravan Triad from Brooklyn Tea Blends

Style: Russian Caravan – Region: China

97 / 100 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 3rd, 2015

This tea was singular, and was not only the best Russian Caravan blend I've sampled, but one of the best of any blended teas I've ever tried. Incredibly complex, and eminently pleasing to drink. Brooklyn Tea Blends compares this to single malt scotch, and I definitely see the connection; it even has some of the uniqu...

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Picture of Arya Ruby Darjeeling Black Tea First Flush

Arya Ruby Darjeeling Black Tea First Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Darjeeling First Flush – Region: Darjeeling, India

67 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 2/5
Feb. 22nd, 2015

One of the most atypical Darjeeling teas, tasting more to me like a white tea than a black, I found this was interesting, but not for me. I was disappointed in it for many of the same reasons I tend not to like silver needle white tea.

I've tried this same tea from a different seller, Happy Earth Tea, the 2014 harv...

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Picture of Iron Buddha

Iron Buddha from Simply Good Tea

Style: Tie Guan Yin – Region: Fujian, China

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Feb. 22nd, 2015

This is a classic example of the "modern green style" of oolong, popular in Taiwan and China these days, with no discernable roast or oxidation.

The dry leaf is an intense green color with yellowish accents, not particularly tightly rolled, and not very aromatic.

As soon as water hits the leaves though, there's a...

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Picture of Sencha

Sencha from Simply Good Tea

Style: Sencha – Region: Fujian, China

33 / 100 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 1/5 Value: 1/5
Feb. 21st, 2015

I was very disappointed by this tea. It was the only tea so far to disappoint me, from Simply Good Tea; their other teas have been consistently good.

Dry leaf is relatively dark and vibrant green in color, and has a mild but pleasing aroma, toasty, slightly vegetal, and with a unique minty note.

Upon brewing, ge...

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Picture of Formosa Oolong Tea

Formosa Oolong Tea from Health & Tea

Style: Oolong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

77 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Feb. 17th, 2015

A versatile tea, rich but mellow, that I can see enjoying in any weather.

The dry leaf has unusually big rolled leaves that look more loosely-rolled than most ooloongs, and has a pleasant nutty aroma with vegetal and floral notes.

Upon brewing, produces a delightful, full-bodied cup with a rich nutty aroma. Ther...

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Picture of Giddapahar Muscatel Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush

Giddapahar Muscatel Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Darjeeling Second Flush – Region: Darjeeling, India

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Feb. 17th, 2015

A very pleasant tea, quite dark for a Darjeeling, and with a pleasant astringency.

The dry leaf is dark and smells fruity, suggesting sweetness, and also very malty.

Brews up a dark cup, even for a second-flush Darjeeling. Aroma is strongly fruity. For having the name Muscatel though, this tea isn't among the t...

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Picture of Silver Needle White Tea

Silver Needle White Tea from Simply Good Tea

Style: Silver Needle – Region: Fujian, China

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
Feb. 17th, 2015

I tend not to like Silver Needle teas, but I found this one more interesting than most. It was my favorite silver needle yet from China (I strongly prefer the African-grown versions).

Dry leaf is mildly aromatic, and upon brewing, the cup initially smells like a typical silver needle of good quality, with the typic...

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Picture of Silver Needle White Tea

Silver Needle White Tea from Arbor Teas

Style: Silver Needle – Region: Fujian, China

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Feb. 17th, 2015

A very typical silver needle, enjoyable, good quality, and true to the style, but this is a style of tea I'm not a huge fan of, especially given its high price.

Brewed 3 minutes as recommended, this was too weak for me. I preferred a single, long infusion of about 12-15 minutes.

Very low in astringency, leading ...

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Picture of Mankota Exotic Assam Black Tea Second Flush

Mankota Exotic Assam Black Tea Second Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Assam – Region: Dibrugarh, Assam, India

88 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Feb. 17th, 2015

An earthy, complex tea whose true colors only seem to come out if brewed strongly.

The leaf of this is well-formed, but mostly dark (darker than suggested by the picture), and it has a strong and deep aroma, like a classic or typical Assam but with more complexity, more earthy and vegetal.

Produces a cup with a p...

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Picture of Ruby Black Tea (Whole Leaf)

Ruby Black Tea (Whole Leaf) from Health & Tea

Style: Black Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

100 / 100 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Feb. 13th, 2015

This is the best Ruby Black tea I've ever had and among the best black teas I've ever had. I was very impressed by last year's batch, but that was broken-leaf, and this one consists of large, whole leaves, and it's in a completely different category.

The dry leaf of this is incredibly aromatic, with a sweet, vegeta...

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Picture of Thurbo Moonlight Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush

Thurbo Moonlight Darjeeling Black Tea Second Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Darjeeling Second Flush – Region: Darjeeling, India

80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Feb. 11th, 2015

A unique tea, very different in aroma from any other Darjeeling second flush I've tried. Excellent, but I think I'd like it more if it were more bitter.

The dry leaf smells aromatic, fresh, and light, with herbaceous and spicy notes. It also looks strikingly beautiful--and fascinatingly, the color of the leaf, a m...

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Picture of Gopaldhara Gold Darjeeling Black Tea Autumn Flush

Gopaldhara Gold Darjeeling Black Tea Autumn Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Darjeeling Autumnal Flush – Region: Darjeeling, India

80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Feb. 10th, 2015

This second-flush Darjeeling was very different from the other one from Jungpana estate, that I just tried from this same company. I prepared them the same ways. I didn't like this tea as much, but it was still good.

The dry leaf is not quite as intensely aromatic, but has a fascinating aroma with a fleeting winte...

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Picture of Jungpana Premium Darjeeling Black Tea Autumn Flush (Organic)

Jungpana Premium Darjeeling Black Tea Autumn Flush (Organic) from Golden Tips

Style: Darjeeling Autumnal Flush – Region: Darjeeling, India

87 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Feb. 10th, 2015

Excellent! Probably the maltiest Darjeeling tea I've ever tried, yet smoother and without the tannic edge of an Assam. Otherwise, typical for an autumnal flush.

Dry leaf has a rich, caramelly aroma, fruit, malty for a Darjeeling, and suggesting sweetness.

Upon brewing produces a cup with a rich fruity aroma, so...

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