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Alex Zorach

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Member since Sep. 1st, 2009. Reviewed 1452 teas.

Reviews of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)

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Picture of Okayti Silver Needle Darjeeling White Tea Second Flush

Okayti Silver Needle Darjeeling White Tea Second Flush from Golden Tips

Style: Silver Needle – Region: Darjeeling, India

93 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Nov. 16th, 2015

I thought this an exceptional tea, probably the best white tea I've ever sampled.

Another lost review that I somehow missed posting.

The leaf of this tea is wonderfully fragrant, with an aroma completely distinct from both Chinese silver needle teas, and the very different variants of them I've tried from Africa ...

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Picture of Idulgashinna Estate Organic Green OP

Idulgashinna Estate Organic Green OP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Green Tea – Region: Uva, Sri Lanka

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Nov. 16th, 2015

This tea was multifaceted and intriguing. I also found it resembled aged sheng Pu-erh in certain ways.

Interesting wiry leaf, some pieces broken but most not. The smell of the dry leaf is mild but very pleasant and, in spite of its faintness, quite complex, resembling high-quality Chinese green teas a bit, but als...

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Picture of Formosa Pouchong

Formosa Pouchong from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Pouchong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

47 / 100 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 2/5
Nov. 16th, 2015

This tea was a disappointment and I don't recommend it. I sampled and reviewed this tea some time ago but forgot to post the review.

Dry leaf consists of long, intact wiry leaves with a slightly dusty look, and smells very different from any other pouchong I've tried, an intense smell of jam or fruit preserves, lik...

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Picture of Season's Pick Organic Green OP

Season's Pick Organic Green OP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Green Tea – Region: China

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Nov. 11th, 2015

An inexpensive tea of surprisingly good quality.

Dry leaf smells wonderful, suggesting fresh and savory qualities of some higher-grade green teas, but also reminding me a lot of raw Pu-erh.

Upon brewing though, there's not as much aroma in the cup as the dry leaf suggests. The brewed cup is light in color and bo...

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Picture of Organic Darjeeling Estate

Organic Darjeeling Estate from Mighty Leaf Tea

Style: Darjeeling Black Tea – Region: Darjeeling, India

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Oct. 8th, 2015

This was my favorite Darjeeling from a tea bag yet.

The dry leaf of this tea, in the bag, smells amazing, even though it appears rather finely broken. There are sweet fruity notes, a hint of spice (caraway?) and some other qualities that I find distinctive but hard to describe.

Brews up a cup that is initially s...

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Picture of Java Golden Black Tea

Java Golden Black Tea from Harney and Sons

Style: Black Tea – Region: Indonesia

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Sep. 10th, 2015

Without a doubt the best Indonesian tea I've sampled. Most like Yunnan teas, but a bit of its own thing: strong and black but with a slightly lighter body.

The dry leaf, which consists of short pieces of leaf, mostly golden in color and beautifully curled, has a strong aroma, like rye malt with a hint of spicy note...

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Picture of Livingstonia GFOP

Livingstonia GFOP from Harney and Sons

Style: Black Tea – Region: Tanzania

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Aug. 31st, 2015

A multifaceted, but somewhat subdued tea.

The dry leaf of this tea has a fruity smell, suggesting sweetness, but not very strong.

Upon brewing, the cup smells like wintergreen, pine needles, and moss, like the forest floor in a northern pine forest, but the flavor is very mellow and subdued and many of the notes ...

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Picture of Kenya Milima

Kenya Milima from Harney and Sons

Style: Black Tea – Region: Kericho, Kenya

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Aug. 30th, 2015

A strong black tea with numerous fleeting complexities. I tried this tea together with two other Kenyan black teas sold by Harney and Sons, the Kaimosi CTC and Kangaita OP, and this tea seemed in between those two in overall characteristics, but it also seemed to be a more nuanced tea than either of them, and it grew ...

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Picture of Mangalam Full

Mangalam Full from Harney and Sons

Style: Assam – Region: Sivasagar, Assam, India

73 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Aug. 24th, 2015

2014 harvest. A very pleasant tea that I have enjoyed drinking daily. Ever-so-slightly disappointing, but only after trying some of the Kenyan teas sold by Harney, which were cheaper yet which I still liked better. I think had I not bought this in such a batch of top-notch teas, it might have shined a bit brighter. I...

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Picture of Kangaita OP

Kangaita OP from Harney and Sons

Style: Black Tea – Region: Kenya

77 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Aug. 15th, 2015

A rich, deep, and mellow tea, excellent if you want something very dark but smooth.

Dry leaf smells only faintly, but the aroma is extremely pleasant, I'd say beautiful. I find I like it more each time I smell it. It is a fruity and vegetal quality, reminiscent of the best Kenyan teas I've sampled, and a little li...

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Picture of Kaimosi CTC

Kaimosi CTC from Harney and Sons

Style: Black Tea – Region: Kenya

80 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
Aug. 5th, 2015

A birthday present from my parents, purchased from the Harney & Sons store in a batch of mostly African black teas (they know I LOVE these sorts of teas). This was a very hearty tea that I liked right from the start. Robust and powerful, pleasantly rich and aromatic, but tending towards harsh. Still, I kept coming b...

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English Breakfast from Metropolitan Tea Company

Style: English Breakfast – Region: Blend

80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Jul. 21st, 2015

Served at Notting Hill coffee shop in Lewes, DE.

An outstanding English Breakfast blend: robust and strong, with a rich and complex aroma. The aroma is slightly malty, and has noticeable wintergreen notes.

Flavor is very bold and rich; flavor is both bitter and savory, and astringency is fairly strong; be carefu...

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Keemun Panda #1 Tea from Metropolitan Tea Company

Style: Keemun – Region: Anhui, China

80 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Jul. 18th, 2015

Served at Notting Hill coffee shop in Lewes, DE.

Very aromatic loose leaf, slightly smoky, typical for a Keemun of good quality.

Brews a rich, mellow cup with a rounded character and strong warming quality. Probably not the best tea for a hot summer day like today, but I was in the mood for it and it was excellen...

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Picture of TB05: Mincing Lane Breakfast Blend

TB05: Mincing Lane Breakfast Blend from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Black Tea – Region: Blend

83 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
May. 8th, 2015

Another outstanding and powerful black tea blend from Upton. This was also one of my all-time favorite blends from Upton.

The dry leaf of this blend, which consists of quite large pieces of leaf, has a strong and wonderful aroma, lightly smoky, spicy, and fruity, with floral hints, suggesting rose.

Flavor is bri...

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Picture of Livingstonia Estate Tanzania GFOP

Livingstonia Estate Tanzania GFOP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Black Tea – Region: Tanzania

73 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
May. 5th, 2015

The dry leaf smells mild, but pleasant and interesting, hinting at baked goods.

Produces a moderately full-bodied cup, only lightly bitter, with a somewhat subdued flavor. The aroma is a little weak, and easy to ignore. I find if I pay attention to it though, it's quite interesting, I do notice the hints of mace t...

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Picture of Blackwood Estate Organic Green

Blackwood Estate Organic Green from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Green Tea – Region: Uva, Sri Lanka

87 / 100 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
May. 4th, 2015

An excellent green tea of top quality, definitely among the best green teas I've sampled to come out of Sri Lanka.

This was my second Ceylon green tea that I tried from Blackwood Estate; the first was from Simpson & Vail. It was certainly recognizably similar to the other tea. I liked this one slightly better; it ...

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Picture of Kibena Estate Tanzania BP1

Kibena Estate Tanzania BP1 from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Black Tea – Region: Tanzania

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Apr. 30th, 2015

A kind of odd CTC tea; the dry leaf is pleasantly aromatic, suggesting grains or bread, but the aroma is a little flat and suggests a relatively low grade of tea.

Brews up a rich, dark, very full-bodied cup. Initially tastes smooth, but there is a strong muted bitterness that I find becomes stronger as I drink it. ...

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Picture of River Shannon Breakfast Blend

River Shannon Breakfast Blend from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Irish Breakfast – Region: Blend

88 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Apr. 30th, 2015

A classic, yet exemplary Irish Breakfast tea: true to the style, but also top-quality. My favorite Irish Breakfast tea yet.

Dry leaf is dark and smell pleasant, fruity (like dried fruit), malty, and slightly spicy.

The brewed cup is strong and smells surprisingly much of wintergreen, which I love. There are als...

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Picture of Smoky Mist Oolong Tea

Smoky Mist Oolong Tea from Health & Tea

Style: Oolong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

70 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 3/5
Apr. 29th, 2015

An interesting roasty oolong that had some flavor characteristics of aged oolongs. Thank you Kelsey for sharing this one with me. I really enjoyed the aroma, but I found it too sour for my tastes.

The dry leaf looks and smells like a typical moderate-to-dark roast oolong of good quality.

The brewed cup is really ...

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Picture of Scottish Breakfast Blend

Scottish Breakfast Blend from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Scottish Breakfast – Region: Blend

91 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Apr. 29th, 2015

This was an absolutely delightful tea that was definitely my favorite blend from Upton and one of my favorites among all black tea blends. The perfect balance of strength and smoothness.

Dry leaf is finely broken but has a very pleasant aroma, and quite complex. There are notes of malt and fruit, especially the fr...

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Picture of Kandy OP

Kandy OP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Ceylon Black Tea – Region: Kandy, Sri Lanka

87 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Apr. 29th, 2015

The aroma is mild, and very typical for a British-style black tea, on the malty side for a Ceylon, and much more complex than most other Ceylons. I found it is easy to overlook if brewed weakly, but really comes alive if brewed more strongly.

This tea is quite slow to infuse; I like steeping 5 minutes or more, and ...

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Picture of East Frisian TGFOP

East Frisian TGFOP from Upton Tea Imports

Style: East Frisian Tea (Ostfriesentee) – Region: Blend

87 / 100 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
Apr. 14th, 2015

An excellent blend for an excellent price, that I can see pleasing both connoisseurs and lovers of strong black teas. Potent but smooth and also complex.

Dry leaf, which is intact and wiry, has a very pleasing aroma with strong vegetal notes.

Upon brewing, produces a dark, rich, but mellow cup which reminds me a...

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Picture of Java Blend (Java BOP)

Java Blend (Java BOP) from Upton Tea Imports

Style: Black Tea – Region: Indonesia

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Apr. 13th, 2015

A somewhat novel tea that I found paired well with bland, fatty foods, but was a little boring otherwise.

The dry leaf of this tea smelled very interesting and subtly different from other black teas. It reminded me a bit of an Assam, but had herbaceous notes and a different sort of spicy quality.

Brews up a cup ...

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Picture of Jade Oolong (Four Seasons Spring)

Jade Oolong (Four Seasons Spring) from Rishi Tea

Style: Four Seasons Oolong – Region: Nantou, Taiwan

90 / 100 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
Mar. 31st, 2015

Outstanding. Probably the best Four Seasons oolong I've ever tried. Rishi consistently impresses me with their oolongs! Thank you to Kelsey for letting me brew this from your sample.

The dry leaf is a beautiful green color, very tightly rolled, and has a strong aroma suggesting shortbread cookies and a hint of sp...

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Picture of Oolong Formosa

Oolong Formosa from Sahpat Teas

Style: Oolong Tea – Region: Taiwan / Formosa

60 / 100 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 3/5
Mar. 31st, 2015

A decent, run-of-the-mill oolong that tastes a lot like the ones served in Chinese restaurants. Sample from the Philadelphia Coffee and Tea Festival; thank you to Sahpat Teas and Kelsey for sharing this one with me.

Leaf looks finely broken, and doesn't have the strongest smell, but upon brewing, becomes very aroma...

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